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General Roleplay Rules

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Medieval Fantasy attire and attire is required in IC areas.

Nudity and sexual content are not allowed in the city and its surrounds, and will be responded to accordingly.

Such content is allowable in establishments such as the Aerie Club, the Bath House and in private rentals.​

Please no underage characters on sim. Everyone must be 18+ of your race. If an elf is 120, then that is the line.  (If your race matures before age of 18 then that race now ages at 18 and has a human life span for purposes of the sim)

Please no over-sexualized avatars or fetish avatars. They do not fit the setting and our sim is not designed to cater to that crowd. If you want lewd roleplay to be the center of your rp, there are many sims that cater to that, we do not.

Please remember that SL has a limited chat range (20M), so please stay within it when you are within a scene and while in combat.

If you Do Not post into a scene, you are not there. This means that ANY SCENE in which players are within chat range must have the player post in to be counted as being within the scene. If you Do Not post in, anything within the scene is rendered as metaplot and unusable by you. YOU MUST POST INTO A SCENE TO BE COUNTED AS A PART OF IT​ Stealth must be rolled after you post/post in. 

^–Addendum Stealth is rolled AGAINST other players passive perception (10 + perception modifier), if a player fails to roll over that they do not successfully stealth. It is up to the players to rp the result of the rolls accordingly.

Spying must be rped out , and rolls must be done whether you are using charisma((Deception and Diplomacy VS Perception))  Or stealth and guile ((Stealth VS Perception)  to do so. Parties must rp the consequences of these rolls, or FTB if that is necessary.

Must be put into your titler, this includes spells and potions.

Using disguises

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HOWEVER:  this does not mean people can freely roll perceptions solely based on your titler. YOU MUST HAVE A REASON TO ROLL PERCEPTIONS AND BE ACTIVELY INVESTIGATING THE PERSON IN YOUR POSTS. If you do not do so you will be given a warning on metagaming.

Communicate OOC to your rp partners if you crash or need to go afk. If you are gone longer than ten minutes, they have the right to skip you.

Your actions have consequences in game.


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Your actions have consequences in game. If your character gets into a fist fight, the guard might get involved, ect. However if you are playing late and have to go to sleep, or rl calls, you can just talk out what happened to each party and call it a night. The same can be said about things you are uncomfortable with. FtB(fade to black) is there for a reason, and is a great way to imply the act without rping it. When it comes to depictions of graphic violence (rape, dismemberment ect) you DO NOT  have to rp it out in graphic detail. Implications of violence are just as gut wrenching. 

^–Addendum: Pking characters for no ic reason, or forcing character death on another player without good reason is not tolerated, by staff or by fellow players. 


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We acknowledge a character’s right to life, however we do within reason. If your character repeatedly provokes attacks from others, or invites consequences via their own actions that could lead to their demise, that is where the line is drawn, and you MUST accept this consequence.

Note: Character death usually ends Roleplay rather than facilitates it. Please ask yourself if killing another player’s character is really the route you wish to take as it is hard to reverse and kills story and plots dead. 

Do not's

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DO NOT Force players to participate in rp that makes them uncomfortable. If someone has rp limits, respect them. Talk it out via IM and either agree to ftb or just give the person a quick “this happened to them” tldr.

^–ADDENDUM Rape is NOT to be fetishized or satirized on sim, period.  Rape is NOT a plot point and should not be used as such.

If you wish to rp rape fantasies in private, fine, but keep it out of local and do not expect mods to jump in.

DO NOT use your rp limits to escape from consequences. This will not be tolerated.

^–Addendum: Pking characters for no ic reason, or forcing character death on another player without good reason is not tolerated, by staff or by fellow players. 


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If someone calls for the city guard it will take three rounds for them to get there. (Please call a DM/Admin to let us know a guard has been called) These guards are medium to high level and will use nonlethal force to apprehend troublemakers so that they stand trial/can be detained.

Jail lasts for three ic days minimum and the PC  is usually let off with a hefty fine for most things.

(subject to change)


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Anathema: Rules and oaths that certain classes and worshippers of certain gods must abide by or reap consequences from their gods/class.

A person who breaks the rules of their anathema can lose access to their class abilities as well as be cursed by the god they worship. A devotee can end up cursed for breaking the oath to their god.

These are IC consequences of roleplay and staff expect them to be roleplayed out.

Atonement can be done via the Atone ritual, and must follow the rules of said ritual. The person who is atoning CANNOT conduct the ritual themselves. It must be conducted by one of similar worship OR of someone of the same order. 

If someone breaks their oath/anathema to their god/order they are stripped of their power by their deity (As per rules of Anathema for that deity/class) and can only regain them by doing an atonement ritual (GM ran). Until such a time the player that broke such an oath is branded magically by their deity as a traitor, and only those who worship the same deity can see such brand.

The branded player MUST put {Fallen (class)} in their titler so that players can oocly know what’s going on in the case of players attempting to rp using their abilities when they cannot. (this is not an invitation to metagame, you still must rp. if you metagame you will recieve consequences.) Once a player atones they can remove this from their titler. (GMs have a log of those that HAVE done the ritual, do not attempt to fib.)

Repeated breaking of oaths/anathema will result in the player permanently losing their powers and resulting in a class change.

 Standard ToS applies.